Katie Holmes of her husband the recent announcement of his upcoming debut, the controversy has continued to haunt her. And everything indicates that his catwalk presentation set for Wednesday at 9.30 pm will coincide with the exhibition of the new collection of Victoria Beckham who until recently was the great friend of the actress. Victoria's career has been far more successful than Katie said a source at the British magazine Heat That has made a fairly sharp rivalry exists between the two since the latter decided to become a designer Now Katie is very insecure and doubt of being able to leave windy that day
But the jump was the star of Dawson's Creek to the upper echelons of fashion is not everything Just days after recovering from the impact of the good news of his participation in Fashion Week Katie Holmes now appears as protagonist of another startling information The prestigious Bobbi Brown makeup just announced what was already an open secret voices in the world of advertising the actress will become the first to lend his famous face to represent the brand Just do not be his debut as a model since Tom Cruise's ex has participated in advertising campaigns for brands such as Stern jewelry.